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Grant Applications      


  • Resident shorebird population ecology, including their breeding success

  • The roles of resident or migratory shorebirds in South Australia’s coastal trophic ecology

  • Localised movement ecology of resident or migratory shorebirds, using marked-recapture/resighting studies

  • Activities by coastal community groups assisting in the conservation of shorebirds

  • ​​Travel scholarships to students or key speakers to shorebird conferences or study sites

  • Depiction of aspects of the life cycles of shorebirds by writers, artists and media presenters.

Applicants are encouraged to seek additional support from other funding groups include Brids SA Conservation grants (

Birdlife Australia Conservation grants ( to enhance the success of their project. 


Applications can be made at anytime; however, they will be assessed at 6 monthly intervals in November or May. Successful projects should commence in January or July.

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Foundation Grants Guidelines


Read carefully before submitting your application for a SA Shorebirds Foundation Grant.

  1. The Foundation welcomes applications from any person/group in the community without discrimination towards gender, ethnic, Indigenous, disabled or socio-economically disadvantaged status.

  2. Applications may be lodged by the applicant at any time of the year, and once reviewed by the R & D Committee, the successful applicant will be notified. They are to be lodged either by email in .PDF or .DOC format only, or by post.  Unsuccessful applicants will be contacted by email.

  3. Grants of up to $10,000 p.a. are available for up to 3 consecutive years; however, annual reports of progress are required.

  4. For all applicants, funds are provided to pursue their research studies, community activities or artistic projects.  Projects of interest to the Foundation are summarised in the Foundation’s web-site and will only apply to work undertaken in South Australia.  Items of equipment may be funded at the discretion of the R & D Committee of the Foundation. 

  5. A written summary of the final results of research / projects is required.  The R & D Committee strongly advises that the research results be published either in SA Ornithologist or Australasian Wader Studies Group’s (AWSG) publication, Stilt. Community groups and artists are encouraged to report their outcomes in Birdlife Australia newsletters (e.g. “Word about the Hood” for Beach Nesting Birds (BNB) projects or Birdlife Australia) or the SA Birder Newsletter.   All results will be reported on the Foundation’s Web-site.

  6. Successful applicants will be contacted by a committee member of the Foundation and will be expected to provide evidence of progress.  The recipient will be expected to inform a nominated Foundation committee member of any difficulties relating to the project.

  7. All researchers/monitoring groups must obtain an appropriate permit to undertake scientific research from the Dept. of Environment and Water (DEW) before undertaking any research in a National Conservation Park, Game Reserve, Regional Reserve or Wilderness Protection Area or on any species of shorebird protected under the National Parks & Wildlife Act, 1972.  Research conducted may also require approval from an Animal or Wildlife Ethics Committee.

  8. For BNB projects that monitor nesting birds and their breeding success,the applicant should contact the Birdlife Australia BNB program who holds the scientific and ethics permits for SA for these projects.

  9. All project leaders and researchers must ensure contact is made with the relevant District Parks and Wildlife Manager before beginning the project in a National Parks and Wilderness Protection Act reserve and maintain liaison with nominated regional and district staff when undertaking fieldwork.

  10. Applicants should indicate clearly the parts of the project by which they are seeking support.

  11. Any funding that is being sought from any other grant-giving body must be declared.

  12. All successful Grant Recipients of funding from the Foundation must enter an agreement outlining the conditions of the grant and have proof that they are covered by insurance.

  13. One copy of the final report and/or the agreed end product of the project must be forwarded by email to the R & D Director of the Foundation upon completion of the project.  The report must include a statement on how money was spent.

  14. Unless otherwise negotiated, an initial payment of 80% of the total grant will be paid to the successful applicant upon acceptance of the grant conditions.  The remainder of the grant will be provided after receipt of the final report.

  15. All reports must acknowledge the SA Shorebirds Foundation.

  16. The decisions of the SA Shorebirds Foundation Committee will be final.

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